Sunday, March 13, 2011

writing effective Thank You notes


Here's how to get started:
  1. Dear [Name of person]. If "Dear" sounds too formal to you and you know the person well, you can get away with "Hi", as in "Hi Michelle!"
  2. Thank you for the [description of gift] [name of gift].Example: Thank you for the fuzzy brown scarf.
  3. At least one sentence about the item; something you did with it, a reason you like it, when you plan to use it. Ideally, make the sentence 2 parts, like the example below. This makes the note feel more sincere.Example: It matches many of my clothes and I know I'll use it on my trip to Iceland.
  4. Tell the giver you appreciate the thought or time they put into it and the occasion for which the gift was given.Example: It was so thoughtful of you to think of me on my birthday.
  5. Mention something about the giver such as family members or something happening in their lives.Example: Best wishes to Tom and the kids. OR Have a great time in Maine next month. I look forward to hearing about it!
  6. Sign off. "Love" is fine for family members and close friends. For others, some choices are "Yours Truly", "Regards", or "Warm Regards".
  7. Sign your name. Don't make this an autograph scrawl; neaten it up so you they know it's you.

Sunday, March 06, 2011

PDF virtual printer for Windows

Useful review of top free PDF printers:

I chose to install BullZip one.  Ran into issue where upon printing I would get error about macros.  The following post was useful:

In particular, the key seems to have been to run a tool for cleaning up after Mcaffee uninstall: