Notes from Ubuntu 11.04 install on Acer Aspire 522 - BZ499
- C-50 Ontario processor is 64-bit, so we'll use the 64 bit image: ubuntu-11.04-desktop-amd64.iso
- installed image onto USB stick using: 'sudo usb-creator-gtk' command
- make sure BIOS is configured to read from USB stick before HDD
- note: ubuntu kept hanging on me (mouse cursor/throbber frozen)... from posts on Net I suspect it is due to wireless driver
- solution: install with wired connection plugged in; this allowed me to do install no problem
- this link sounds relevant:[bug-775034]-[new]-natty-freezes-due-acer-aspire-one-522-wireless-148584/
- suspend and hibernate work right out of the box with this (tested both)
- clicking on Additional Drivers in top bar, it seems we are already using Broadcom STA wireless driver (hence could conflict with other one)
- now able to use wifi (w/o wired plugged in) using following:
- add in /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf this line: "blacklist atl1c"
- "sudo update-initramfs -u"
- suspend still works
- outstanding issues:
- (non-proprietary) video driver has poor YouTube playback, etc.
- after resume (from Suspend?) the Ubuntu top and left bars stop updating visually (Ubuntu One compiz component; switch to "Ubuntu Classic" in GDM and all is well)
- attempting ATI/AMD proprietary FGLRX gfx driver install...
- resume from suspend no longer working... can't even ping the machine (but did not check earlier that I actually could)
- went back to non-proprietary video drivers