Saturday, May 28, 2011

Ubuntu/gnome: disabling password request on resume

Problem: on resume from suspend, Ubuntu/GNOME presents password entry dialog,  which is annoying.

Found a working solution here:

1. As you've probably already done, uncheck:
"lock screen when screen saver is activated"
in the System->Preferences->Screen Saver menu.
2. Type gconf-editor in a terminal. Under apps/gnome-power-manager/locks check:
3. If still asked for password, you can (also in gconf-editor) go to desktop/gnome/lockdown and check:
Credits to itslofty below for this tip!
I only had to do steps 1 and 2 on my Ubuntu 11.04 Natty Narwal on the Acer Aspire 522 BZ499.