Thursday, July 07, 2005

tangible yet hidden

This tickles something in my mind, some idea or truth I've sort of glimpsed, but haven't grasped. I think this is meshing with some unexpressed ideas and intuitions I've evolved in my mind. Seek the link; it taunts me so.


A (social) command line for the Web: Additional related and interesting links:

online intro to "grant writing"

This might come in useful in the future: grant writing intro

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

current issues with Thunderbird

  • no support for "delete attachment" from email; I tried Attachment Tools extension as a workaround and it nearly destroyed my inbox! I think this functionality is coming in the next release of Thunderbird though...
  • the "getting stuck" problem on moving an email with attachments to "Sent" folder; seems to occur whether using an IMAP or local folder for this!!!

another open source car physics engine

Worth checking out: VAMOS

Monday, July 04, 2005

alternatives to "aglorithmic.sty"

The TeX FAQ lists alternatives; see here I think what I've been looking for is algorithmicx.sty, since it provides "procedure" and "function" blocks. newalg.sty looks good too.

BlitzGrok: bookmark consolidator

UPDATE: screw it, just use much better concept!

Sunday, July 03, 2005

BlitzGrok: lawncare & watering

The following links seem to confirm that watering at night is generally bad (because of fungus, mildew):
  • link: pretty good info
  • link includes tips on recognizing when grass needs water
  • City of Toronto site on water efficiency and lawn watering
  • link: more from above, specifically on lawn watering in various seasons
  • link: notes on watering new trees (new trees apparently need 20L of water a day!)
Lesson's learned from the above
  • water preferably in the morning, to avoid fungus and disease due to wetness at night
  • water long but infrequently
  • the lawn should get about an inch of water per week (but keep previous point in mind)
  • need to assess the water output of sprinkler using cans
  • water when lawn needs it; watch for signs: blue-green blades, long lingering foot depressions, curling
  • may need to sharpen lawnmower blades (twice a year recommended)
  • cut to 3" blade height (longer blades give greener, healthier lawn)
  • cut grass when dry, probably early evening best
  • should cut no more than a third of the blade's length
  • leave the clippings where they fall for nutrient-return to soil (should disappear in a day or two)

Saturday, July 02, 2005

BlitzGrok: recipes for bubble solutions

  • a listing of various solutions: link (interesting how glycerin seems to be a frequent ingredient)
  • this one also includes "recipes" for bubble wands: link
  • a set of bubble solution recipes: link (and bubble-based games for kids; William's probably too young for this though)
  • a single, common denominator recipe: link
  • suggestion on buying glycerin: here

Friday, July 01, 2005

"getmail" mail fetching program

I should check out "getmail" and try using that instead of "fetchmail". See: link link

Farmer's Market

It turns out there is a Farmer's Market in Markham: info Markham Road & Robinson Street, Markham, ON. Saturday 8:30 am to 2 pm May - October Vendors: 25 905-472-2462 There's also one in Newmarket